In this fallen world, conflict is inevitable. So what does love look like when we find ourselves at odds with others and simply don’t agree with one another? We will not find Godly resolutions to conflict when our hearts are angry and unforgiving. Scripture tells us to choose compassion over condemnation, forgiveness over judgement, listening over dismissal, love over hate. It is when our hearts are in harmony with Jesus that we are given the wisdom and power to find His peace..
Prayer for March
God of Shalom, we praise You as the source of all wholeness, unity, and peace, the kind of peace that “passes all understanding.” You have chosen to share that peace with Your children as a fruit of Your indwelling Spirit. What a gracious and loving Father you are!
Forgive us when we fail to recognize that we have a common enemy who prowls around, intent on stealing our peace. Scripture records his ultimate defeat when Jesus claimed victory from the cross. “It is finished!” Hallelujah!
But Father, we are still sinning and Your peace is hard to find in our world. When we enter into conflict with others, too often we speak and act out of our own limited understanding, instead of seeking Your wisdom. When we need to “speak the truth in love” to one another, we forget to come to the Source of that love.
Please keep us close to You and guard our hearts and minds. When we speak, may we always be humble and kind, using words that lead to Your peace. And do not let us neglect the needs of our co-workers who labor beside us in kingdom work. A house divided cannot stand.
In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.