Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of York
Following Jesus. Everywhere.
Connect from Home!
We livestream our services every Sunday. Be sure to check them out here or on Facebook and YouTube! Our Adult Education class is also streamed to Facebook and YouTube in between our services. You can also access Facebook and YouTube by clicking on the icons in the top right corner of this page.
If you are unable to attend or watch one of our services on Sunday morning, you can listen to them on your telephone. Our Sundial Ministry is available each Sunday for both services. Sundial begins when the organ prelude opens the service. To listen, dial: 267-807-9601. (note that long distance charges may apply) Wait for the operator to answer and then dial the meeting ID: 301402434 #
Our Sunday Morning Services
8:30 a.m. Traditional Service - John Calvin Chapel
10:45 a.m. Traditional Service - Sanctuary
12:00 p.m. Contemporary Service - Cafe225 (Queen Street Entrance)
News & Events
If you would like to donate to Disaster Relief, click the link below: pma.pcusa.org/donate
Church Calendar: Keep up to date with the church calendar here!
Upcoming Classes & Events:
Newsletter: March